CKYC Terms and Conditions
Central KYC Registry is a centralised repository of KYC records. Once the KYC documents are submitted by an individual, they are registered in the repository with a unique CKYC number. The CKYC number can be quoted instead of submitting physical KYC documents for any financial transaction. The CKYC repository can be accessed by all financial institutes for verifying the KYC details of their customers.
Once your KYC details are registered with CKYC, you will receive a 14 digit KYC Identification Number (KIN) number which you can quote for any kind of financial transaction and you don’t have to submit your KYC documents again unless there is a change in your KYC details.
- CKYC Details are fetched basis user’s consent on our app/platform.
- The details fetched are purely based on CERSAI (Central Registry of Securitisation Asset Reconstruction and Security Interest of India) and we do not alter any of the data.
- The user is solely responsible for the authenticity of the data shared with the LoanFront App/Platform
- We do not share the CKYC details with any of the technology partners .
- Any updation in the CKYC data has to be done in CERSAI records.